
Mindfulness meets accountability 

Join us for a workshop to define you 23 for 23 goals, projects and habits.
Bring along an open mind. 

We recommend that you skip doing New Year’s resolutions this year and look back on 2022 instead. What went well, what didn’t, what did you plan for? Bring your notes along.

We will meet on Sunday January 22 at 14:00 at Kokoschinski Ulm for the first time, make our lists, find accountability partners and will check in every couple of months. 

Fee €15 for this in person workshop. This workshop is for charity, all proceeds go to Frauen helfen Frauen Ulm e.V.

Food and drinks can be purchased at the cafe and are not included.

Details mirjamwrites.com/23for23

Contact Raha @byraha raha@byraha.com or Mirjam @mirjamwrites hello@mirjamwrites.com with any questions.

If you cannot attend on January 22 please let us know, we will offer more in-person and possibly also Zoom events.